Friday, July 9, 2010

To My Closet Followers

So a little birdie has informed me that the extent of my readership spans beyond my devoted 14 followers. *smile*

This same little birdie has brought to my attention that these aforementioned “secret readers” – dare I call you closet followers – respectfully request that I post more recipes and add a little more content to each posting.

You’re hooked on cooking now, aren’t you? Muahahahahaha… muahahahaha!

I know. It’s okay. You can admit it. You’ve been inspired to be a home chef too!

In all honesty, I’m thrilled to get feedback on the blog. I took a break thinking no one really stopped by, but now I’m motivated to get back on this thing and post some of my new dishes. Yes, I have been cooking while I was away.

I take to heart that I should make the blog posts more personal and that I should add more content. However, I want to meet you in the middle and keep this blog focused on the thing I love most: the food (besides my husband, of course). So from here on out, I promise to be more consistent with the postings, include a story or two about recipes/dishes, and even extend the blog to include some of the FABulous recipes I have found from my favorite cookbooks and Food Network shows (don’t worry, I will give proper credit where due). Sound good?

So what’s coming up next on “Chef Carrie?” Well, I’ve been saving a few good ones to share. We’ll start off with a good ole American casserole. GASP! I NEVER do American cuisine! I never do casseroles. DOUBLE GASP!!!! Then we’ll venture to Italy for my famous lasagna (it actually is famous, people!!!), and I’ll work on an idea I have for a mustard encrusted tilapia (don’t be scared).

All joking aside, it makes me happy to know I have more readers than I thought, and for that I’ll keep cooking and sharing. Bon appétit and happy cooking!

P.S. Oh, and please keep the comments and suggestions coming…even if they do come through a little birdie.

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